Trustee Message June 2019
We held our membership meeting on June 29th at the Surf City Firehouse. This was our first morning meeting and the time change appears to have been welcomed by our members, given we had a great turnout. Thanks for attending.
Sadly, we received news of the passing of Chuck Perfater. Chuck and his wife June were longtime North Beach owners and he served as a former trustee and past president of NBTA. His leadership and support of NBTA will be greatly missed. Read more.
Mayor Mancini and Commissioner Bayard provided updates on the sewer project, lifeguards, revaluation and the topic that generated the most interest – water meters.
See the NBTA Issues and Announcements section here at our website for more info on these and other topics.
Mark your calendars for our next meeting – Saturday, September 7th, 10:00amat the Surf City Firehouse.
Have a great summer!