Trustee Message September 2019
It is hard to believe that the 2019 summer season is in the books. We hope you had a memorable one and got to spend some time with people important to you.
At our September 7th meeting, we heard from Jim Verhagen – aka Northside Jim – a wildlife biographer, data scientist and resident champion of LBI wildlife. Jim shared with us his unique blend of storytelling, writing, and photography to tell the real-life stories of the wild animals and their families that make the LBI region home. Jim’s blog is Readings from the Northside.
Special thanks to Jim and Carolyn for taking time out of their busy lives to share some of his stunning collection of rare and intimate glimpses into the lives of endangered coastal birds at their nests, and of the scientists who work with them there.
We had a good turnout for our “fall” meeting. You can read about the meeting under NBTA Issues and Announcements. Check our website often for updates and tell your neighbors about us. Slightly more than one-third of North Beach homeowners are members of NBTA and with your help, we can make that grow.
Thanks for being a part of our North Beach homeowners’ community. Have a safe and ‘short’ offseason!

Bill Walsh and Jim Verhagen